Maivisa has been awarded with a purchase order of more than 2 million euros for a package of pressure process equipment made of stainless steel. The order includes equipment of different configuration to equip a fertilizer plant in Southeast Asia; a project driven by a great German Engineering, considered one of the best worldwide in this field.
It is a “turnkey” project that will allow the new facilities of the fertilizer complex to increase the production capacity to 2,200 tons of ammonia and 3,900 tons of urea per day. The new project is carried out with an advanced proven and profitable fertilizer production technology, which guarantees the highest environmental standards.
The acquired equipment, far from having a standard configuration, includes thermal design to verify its efficiency in heat transfer and in some cases, design using the Finite Element Analysis (FEA) method, as well.
The equipment will be manufactured entirely in our facilities in Vilassar de Dalt, Barcelona. Our modern plant, which was inaugurated in 2009, allows us to handle large-scale projects while maintaining a linear and dynamic production. As a result, the manufacturing deadlines can be adjusted, maintaining the quality standard that always characterize us and that continues being the basis of our philosophy.
For more than fifteen years, the export sales rate has exceeded the 50% of the annual turnover. Year after year, maivisa has achieved important Homologations with Top Customers in Europe and the USA, which allow it to continue advancing in its internationalization and in its growth as a design and construction company of metallic pressure process equipment.
Heat exchangers, chemical reactors, pressure process tanks, columns, and reactors for pharmaceutical products are the basis of our production. Manufactured in stainless steel and every day becoming more usually, following the new process requirements of our customers, in special alloys, especially those with a high content of nickel or even in pure nickel.
Carbon steel and low-alloy steels also occupy an important place in our production since the last 20 years. The manufacture of equipment for the Oil & Gas Industry, occupies an important place in our production, especially in the manufacture of shell and tube heat exchangers. For this reason, our facilities are divided into two production areas, completely separated physically and equipped identically. This allows us to work independently, with different materials and without compromising the quality of our products with undesirable contaminations.
The commitment with our Clients is our best argument and without any doubt, our goal in 100% of the cases as well.
Thank you for giving us your attention. We remain at your disposal.