Process reactors for the Chemical, Petrochemical and other related industries. Designed and calculated according to the main design codes such as; ASME VIII Div.1., AD Merkblatter, EN-13445, CODAP. Designed with half pipe and / or heating jacket or mixed systems to extend the useful life of our equipment. Possibility of heating them integrally, including heating system in the upper lid. Also available with external contact and / or interior coils with any necessary configuration, concentric, double circuit, multi-
Heating systems integrated in the baffles for the agitation, in order to increase the heating surface as much as possible due to the needs of the process. Possibilities of integral and watertight insulation of the equipment. Conventional insulation available.
We design special accessories, Nitrogen distribution rings, distributors, adjustable baffles, special manholes, etc.
Crystallizers, Hydrogenators and reactors with high pressure working conditions.
Manufactured in carbon steel, in low alloyed steel, stainless steels, special alloys, duplex, super-duplex and noble metals such as pure Nickel or Titanium.
Non-destructive tests according to the design code and also any other type of non-destructive testing required by the Client.
Turnkey installations.